April 2, 2013

"Istanbul is safe. Have you seen James Bond?"

So says a person we met today. We were instant friends, of course.

Today, Aysu took Mary Margaret and me to the European side of Istanbul by sea ferry. She wanted to show us how to get there and then how to get to some of the well-known attractions. We met with another pharmacy student (Seonkyeong) and her husband. Seonkyeong is from South Korea, and she met her husband-to-be in Cappadocia. They fell in love and got married 2 months ago. You know how I am a sucker for a good love story!

Mary Margaret and I with our Ayran - tastes like watered-down salty greek yogurt. It is very popular here.

I think this is the winner! Me in front of the Sultanahment Mosque (Blue Mosque)

Galata Tower

Grand Bazaar

Chicken Doner, scrumdidyliumptious

Mary Margaret and I in front of Hagia Sophia

Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque)

Seonkyeong, me, Mary Margaret, Aysu (please notice the tea - it was apple... yum)

On our ferry boat to the European side of Istanbul

Sorry for the short post, but I wanted everyone to see how incredible Istanbul is!


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