April 8, 2013

Brooke: The Rarest of All Names

Mary Margaret and I have decided that "Brooke" must be the rarest of all names."Mary" is pretty easy for people to get, but when I say "Brooke," it really throws our new Istanbul friends for a loop. I have started trying to say it more "Bruuke" (rhymes with puke). That seems to help. Everyone also wants to know what it means. "Uhh... little creek or small river." Yea. Super cool.

This weekend, Mary Margaret and I did some exploring. We are slowly making our way to all of the major sights. On Saturday, we went to Hagia Sophia, the Underground Cistern, the Blue Mosque, the Spice Market, and we strolled on the Hippodrome. Today (Sunday), we went to Topkapi Palace. We have discovered that tourists have no concept of "personal space." If we have been bumped into and stood on top of once, we have been a hundred times. Sheesh.

We made a friend last night at dinner. She did not speak really great English, but she was so sweet. She brought us free chocolate and tried to help us find somewhere to do laundry (one of the waiters volunteered his Mom). Thankfully, our hotel is washing our clothes for us. That was interesting to arrange via the translator on Mary Margaret's phone and alot of hand gestures.

These pictures definitely do not do justice to the amazing artifacts and buildings we have seen. It is really incredible what has survived for thousands of years.

The dome of Hagia Sophia

Rick Steves says that the Statue of Liberty will fit inside Hagia Sophia (minus her torch).

Mary Margaret in front of what remains of the Theodosian Church that previously stood where Hagia Sophia is (its in the pit below).

Underground Cistern

Mary Margaret and I at the Underground Cistern

The ceiling of the Blue Mosque

Head scarves required in the Blue Mosque.

Mary Margaret in the Sultanahmet park (with the Blue Mosque in the background)

A whole market devoted to spices. Eat your heart out Katie McLean.

Topkapi Palace lawn

All of Topkapi Palace is covered in ornately decorated tiles and stained glass.

View from a balcony at Topkapi Palace

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