April 9, 2013

"I Hope Our Worst Day is Like Today"

Last night, Mary Margaret and I went to dinner at Galata Restaurant with Emine and her husband, Yusuf, and Seonkyeong and her husband, Mustafa. It was a really cozy traditional Turkish restaurant with a musical quartet playing and singing Turkish songs. Dinner started at 8:30pm, and we left (with the restaurant staff) at 12:30am. It was incredible. I really do not have a better word to describe it. We started with about 9 appetizers (or mezes) that we shared and bread and cheese. Mary Margaret and I tried Raki, which is basically Turkish firewater. A little stout for my taste.

When dinner began, Seonkyeong had warned us, "Turkish people are crazy. They love to get up and dance." Before we even realized what was happening, our entire table was dancing around the restaurant. If you have ever seen me dance, you know that my token dance moves are to dance around like a hippie (liquid dance, if you will). Its the perfect dancing for Turkish music. After a little dancing, we ate our main course. Some more dancing. Dessert. Lots of toasting and talking and laughing. On our last "cheers" of the night, Mustafa said, "I hope our worst day is like today." The most perfect way to sum up the evening. I am not sure what I expected before coming to Istanbul, but I am daily amazed at the warmness with which we are received. It as if we have been friends forever.

Today, Mary Margaret and I did some more exploring. We went to Chora Church in the Old District, and then walked on the Galata Bridge and had dinner at a fish restaurant overlooking the Sea of Marmara. We are really living a tough life over here.

We have been asked pretty regularly if we are Spanish. Maybe we give off the Spanish vibe?
Tomorrow (April 10th) is my sweet Grandaddy's birthday. If you see him, tell him his "punkin' eater" is sending her love all the way from Istanbul, Turkey.

More food pics: chicken and rice

Chora Church

Peter and Paul guard the doors to the nave of the church

A fresco of Jesus after descending into hell and overcoming death, Praise God (he is pulling Adam and Eve from their graves)

Galata Bridge

Sea of Marmara (and you can't tell, but I'm rocking a high bun)

The breakfast we eat every morning: 1 boiled egg, 2 pieces of cheese, 1 slice of cucumber, 1 slice of tomato, 5 olives, 1 roll, and tea
Hasta luego,

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