April 21, 2013

Ephesians 4:2

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Geez I wish I could write/speak/think/pray like Paul.

This weekend, Mary Margaret and I went to Izmir, Turkey to stay with our friend Gözde. It was a perfect weekend. Izmir is a really incredible town. We were so excited to leave the hustle and bustle of Istanbul and relax along the Aegean Sea. Gözde was the best host. She was so warm and inviting, and Mary Margaret and I were very sad to leave her today. And Gözde's mom asked if I was Italian. Nathaniel, you are one lucky man to have a such an exotic Italian fiance.

Mary Margaret and I have become very spoiled by getting to see the sea (chuckle) every day. People in Turkey always ask us how close Memphis is to the ocean. "Uhh... not close at all. But we do have a pretty awesome river!"

Saturday, we went to Ephesus with Gözde and her brother and sister-in-law. It was a pretty surreal experience to walk the streets and know that this is the place you have been reading about your entire life.

Then we went to the House of St. Mary. Historians believe that this is the place Mary, the mother of Jesus, may have lived in her final days after Jesus passed the responsibility of caring for His mother to John. I mean, seriously. I can not even fathom it. Before we left, we made wishes and tied them to a wishing wall.

Finally, we went to Sirince and ate and walked around. Sirince is famous for its fruit wines, but even more famous as it was overrun by people who thought the "positive energy" of the location would prevent its destruction during the Mayan Apocalypse. Maybe too much fruit wine?

We also met a Turkish celebrity. Gözde's childhood friend, Irem, is an actress in a comedy television show in Turkey. It was funny to see the look on people's face when they recognized her. Oh the life of a celebrity.

The day was so peaceful and perfect. (I really need to google synonyms for "perfect" and "incredible") Mary Margaret and I loved visiting Izmir. If I ever live in Turkey, I will live in Izmir (don't get upset Nana... I said "if").

With Gözde, taking a ferry across the Aegean Sea in Izmir, Turkey

Mountains in Izmir

The coast in Izmir, Turkey

Mary Margaret and I at the "Elevator" in Izmir - Gözde said the home of the "Turkish Elvis" Dario Moreno

Dinner at a delicious fish restaurant

The Grand Theatre in Ephesus

Sitting in the Grand Theatre in Ephesus

The ruins in Ephesus

Celsus Library in Ephesus

The Chester County Independent visits the Celsus Library in Ephesus

Mary Margaret and I in front of House of St. Mary (check out those tennis shoes and jeans - stylish)

Mary Margaret's wish for the "wishing wall"

My wish for the "wishing wall" (I should have added "and for Bosco to live forever"

The village of Sirince

Gözde is extremely talented!
Here is a picture of our room in Istanbul for the month. It is a little small, but very bright and open. We also have a bathroom to the side and a mini fridge (which stays stocked with water and Coke Light - what Diet Coke is called here). Don't let that tv fool you though. It only gets one channel, which is in Turkish, of course.
Our digs for the month
Tomorrow, we are giving a presentation on clinical pharmacy in the United States for the pharmacy students at Marmara University. They made flyers advertising our presentation and posted them in the school! Please notice how professional my sweet friend Mary Margaret looks in her white coat. And there's me with my beagle. I guess that is pretty much true to character though.

The flyers advertising our presentation
This is our last week in Istanbul. We can not believe this month is almost over. It seems like yesterday we were boarding the plane in Memphis, a little nervous and extremely excited. Tonight the restaurant gave us a "tea present" after we finished our meal. What an amazing and humbling adventure we have had.


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