April 5, 2013

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We Shall... Eat Some More

So, by now you have realized that I love to eat. My Mom says I have always tried to "eat by the clock" whether I am hungry or not. I fit right in here.

Today, we went with a pharmacy student (Emine) to her husband's (Yusuf's) pharmacy. We also went in a primary care physcian's office near Yusuf's store.

But mostly, the day was about eating. We had Turkish coffee upon arrival at Yusuf's store (we had already drank hot tea at breakfast). And then we went to lunch, where we had traditional Turkish kebabs. And dessert and tea of course.

The traffic in Istanbul is horrendous on a regular basis, but you throw in a soccer match, and the roads are locked down. So, Yusuf and Emine took us exploring to let the traffic die down. We went to an observation point that overlooked the Golden Horn and the city of Istanbul (only some of the city since it expands a vast area). We had coffee at a famous Turkish coffee restaurant (Pierre Loti). We then peaked inside our first mosque!

Finally, for dinner we ate ice cream. Sigh. Yes. Ice cream. In Turkey, you need a knife and fork to "cut" the ice cream.The consistency is similar to how gum stretches. It was divine. We had vanilla, pistachio, and chocolate.

Cups of tea for the day = 2. Cups of coffee for the day = 2. My heart will probably explode by the end of the month, but what a way to go.

Inside Yusuf's pharmacy

Me, Emine, and Mary Margaret outside Yusuf's pharmacy

Kebabs for lunch

At lunch

Our dessert at lunch (kunefe), which tasted like a pancake with cream cheese. Also, we drank tea

Riding the sky lift to the look-out point

Istanbul at sunset

Overlooking the Golden Horn

Drinking coffee (Nescafe) at Pierre Loti's restaurant and enjoying the view

Just breathing in the scenery

That might look like I'm eating ice cream for dinner. Well, I guess I did. But I also drank water! Cancels each other out.
Your expanding friend

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