March 26, 2013

"Welcome to the Tube at Rush Hour"

For all you James Bond/Skyfall fans (I am looking at you Nathaniel Denson), you might get the title of this blog post. I am currently on the hunt for the new MI6 location. If you have not seen Skyfall or any James Bond movie for the matter, you are truly missing out on cinematic masterpieces, but whatever.

We did survive the Tube (what the subway is called in London) at rush hour. It was super packed, but we got on the right line at the correct time! Success! We have mastered the tube, and I really wished Memphis had one. It would make my life so much sweeter.

In the tube at Charing Cross.

We also visited Kensington Park, Hyde Park, Kensington Palace (the residence of Prince William and Princess Kate), and Royal Albert Hall. We had afternoon tea at Kensington Palace. Princess Kate was supposed to come, but she got called away (that's not true). We have been nerding out with all the history lessons, though! Tonight, we met up with Jodie, Mandy, and Kelly at a pub and watched a soccer match. Here are some pictures from Day 2 - London!

In front of Princess Diana Memorial Fountain (for you, Nana)

Kensington Palace

Inside Kensington Palace

The Orangery - where we had Afternoon Tea on the palace grounds.

A spot of tea.

Afternoon tea with Princess Kate

Royal Albert Hall

A pint in a real English pub.

Pubsters watching a soccer match.
To end on a sad note, the new girls in our hostel room smell like rotten onions. Welcome to Europe my friends!


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