March 29, 2013

Becoming Royalty

Hello family and friends in America! Yesterday (28 March 2013 - how dates are written in Europe) was Mary Margaret's and my last day in London. It was such a busy and awesome day. We went to see St. Paul's Cathedral (we could not go in because they were having a special closed service), Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Westminster Abbey, the Churchill War Rooms, and the British Museum. So... yes, phew. Busy. But I am all about seeing as much as I can while I am visiting a new city.

Last night, we (again) found a really cool Mexican restaurant that only locals frequent. It was delicious. Kirsten's dish was definitely my favorite: goat cheese, spinach and sweet potato enchiladas. That might not sound appetizing to you, but, my friend, it was "close your eyes good" (thanks for the spot-on description Kir).

Here are some pictures from our day...

St. Paul's Cathedral

The London Eye

Big Ben and The Chester County Independent

Big Ben and Houses of Parliament

In front of Westminster Abbey

Amanda's going in the map, for all you Friends lovers.

A little tourist pic action in front of Westminster Abbey

Inside the Churchill War Room bunker

British Museum

WARNING: The following is a cheesy girl moment. You might want to skip this paragraph. So, whilst walking through Westminster Abbey, I thought about how many kings and queens walked down the center aisle for their coronation or to say their wedding vows before God and their loved ones. And then I thought, "Oh wow. It is March 28th. Nate and I get married 6 months from today. And I'm walking down the same aisle Princess Kate walked down on her wedding day" (it was a long thought). So, basically I am royalty now. It's a stretch. I know.

We had to get up at 3:45am to make our flight from London to Munich. You will hear all about that adventure in my next post. I hope everyone is having a great Good Friday.

Regards (Mary Margaret hates this salutation),

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