March 13, 2013

A Girl Named Tennessee

Well hello and thanks for visiting. My name is Brooke, and I originate from the most wonderful place on earth, Tennessee (okay... that might be an exaggeration, but I am quite fond of it).  

I will tell you a tiny bit about my story and then the reason I started this blog. 

Here are some things you should know about me: 
1.) I love God, and I am super excited about the plans and changes He is currently working through my life. 
2.) I am going to marry the most amazing man in the world on September 28, 2013. Seriously, he is incredible, but I won't fixate on the topic (for now...).

Nathaniel and I in Driggs, Idaho - July 2012
3.) I am the proud Mama of the sweetest and furriest little girl. 

Me and Bosco - the cutest Beagle in the whole wide world
4.) I am finishing my fourth year of pharmacy school at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy (ooh pride pride pride).
5.) And I have an amazing support system of family and friends. I am blessed beyond comprehension. 

Segue into the reason for the blog...

From March 24, 2013 to May 2, 2013 I will be traveling throughout 4 different countries and countless cities for my international pharmacy rotation. We are doing a little tourist action in London, England and Munich Germany, and then heading to Istanbul, Turkey for the month of April. Wait... you said 4 countries?! Yes, we are ending our whirlwind adventure in Athens, Greece before flying home. 

I made this blog so Nathaniel and my family and friends can keep up with our whereabouts and see pictures throughout our trip. 

Who is this "we" and "our" I speak of? Well, I'm glad you asked. I will be with Mary Margaret my entire trip, and she will be co-writing some posts in the future. We are traveling with Kirsten, Amanda, Jodie, Kelly, and Mandy in London and Kirsten and Amanda in Munich. Nathaniel and Jonathan (Mary Margaret's soon-to-be husband) will be joining us in Istanbul at the end of April to travel to Athens. We have an excellent travel troupe. 

Jonathan and Mary Margaret are getting married May 18, 2013.
Photo courtesy of Kristi McMurry Woody
So, needless to say I am excited, nervous, and every adjective in between. Thank you for reading my blog, and I hope you will visit occasionally to see our progress. Please pray for us as we travel. Please also pray for our interactions with the people we meet, that we will exude (I love that word) God's love and grace. 

I will try not to be super cheesy, but I am not making any promises. 


P.s. The title of my blog originates from a song by one of my favorite bands, Needtobreathe. If you have not heard them, I highly suggest your giving them a listen! 

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