March 27, 2013

"Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow."

Day 3: Another amazing day in London. However, it is bitterly cold. One of our tour guides today told us it was the coldest March in the past 50 years in London (I did not fact-check this tidbit, but it just explains how cold it is) I have not been able to wear my boots the past two days, because my feet are incredibly sore. So I wore Toms today without socks. At one point I could not feel my toes. No exaggeration. So tonight, Nathaniel bought me some warm angora socks from H&M. He is so kind and generous like that. And if you have ever met my sweet friend Mary Margaret, you know she is not a fan of cold weather (to put it mildly). But she is being a trooper!

Today, we visited the Tower of London and Shakespeare's Globe Theater. We also saw the Tower Bridge, the London Bridge, and walked across the Millennium Bridge. Tonight, we browsed (dreamed, really) in Harrods, a ritzy shopping center. Finally, at the suggestion of my great friend, Rick Steves (the author of the guide books I am using), we ate at a local Italian restaurant which was really delicious. And we felt super cool for being where the locals were. It is the little things in life.

Tower of London - where many famous patrons were imprisoned and later executed

Mary Margaret and Amanda in front of the Tower of London

My little Eskimo friend

Just hanging out with the Chester County Independent in front of the Tower Bridge. "Oh the places you will go." Also, if you look closely enough you can see my sweet Grandaddy accepting an award (left picture above the fold on the left side).
University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy newsletter submission

Sweet friends in front of the Tower Bridge

An exhibit on how the Kings' horses have changed throughout history. Ms. Cathy Denson, you would have loved it!

London Bridge (bridge closest to us) and the Tower Bridge (in the far background) while standing on the Millennium Bridge

Shakespeare's Globe Theater

Inside Shakespeare's Globe Theater

Touring Shakespeare's Globe Theater with St. Paul's Cathedral to the left

Sitting in the balcony

Harrods, where all shopping dreams come true.
Mandy, Kelly, and Jodie are leaving London tomorrow for Liverpool, England. We have really enjoyed sightseeing with them, and we are going to miss them (and all of their jokes and stories)!

Thank you for all of the sweet emails, messages, and comments I have received. It makes me miss home a little less! Thank you for your prayers also. We can really feel them as we travel throughout our day, and we know its the cause of many of our good fortunes.


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